(Did you get here from the Email Newsletter? Scroll down for photos)
Welcome back to all our Winter visitors!
It has been 18+ months since we have seen many of you, and a lot has changed! The population and economy of the Progreso Municipality is growing at a rapid pace. Construction is everywhere and many improvements have been made. Issues such as water, trash, CFE, roads and more are being addressed by the local and state governments–but as always, patience is a virtue here in Mexico. We’ll run through all these things in a minute, but first:
State and Local government officials are hosting a welcome event for Expats & Snowbirds on December 7 from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Casa de la Cultura in Progreso (corner of Calle 25 and Calle 80). The program will feature regional dance and music as well as information about health tourism, leisure tourism and local activities. Come on down to reconnect with your old friends and make some new ones!
SO MUCH of what we want to tell you about makes more sense with pictures, on this page we have all the Email Newsletter text with many more photos and graphics.
Julian Zacarias Curi was re-elected as Mayor of Progreso for another 3-year term. He continues to drive improvements in the community. He wants to see the Municipality grow with opportunities for local Mexican citizens and expats alike. Photos below!
You will instantly see the difference on your first visit to the Progreso Malecon! The entire length has been rebuilt and is now closed to traffic. Palapas and beach umbrella areas have all been upgraded. The new Geology Museum building is completed but not yet open; we are told a State official that the museum is due to open soon! Also, the new cruise ship Welcome Center at the entrance to the pier is almost ready for use!
FAST Progreso: You may remember this service from 2019. We now have a full-time expat resident Sallie Again-Hirst in this position. FAST Progreso (Foreigners Assistance Services Team) is part of the Tourism Office within the municipal government established to provide information, news and help to the foreign community and visitors. You will also find FAST Progreso around on cruise ship days ensuring our visitors have a positive experience while in our port.
If you have issues pertaining to the Municipality about street lights, water, or anything you don’t know how to deal with–or you are just seeking information about the City–it’s the job of FAST Progreso to help. Sallie can take a report from you and pass it along to the proper department. Please note that FAST cannot help with State or Federal matters such as immigration or CFE.
You can contact FAST on Facebook; just search for Fast Progreso or contact Sallie directly via WhatsApp at 999-255-6494 or email at: againhirstsallie@yahoo.com

NEW Trash process
The process for trash collection has changed. All dump locations including Chelem and Chicxulub have been closed. If you have paid Prolimpia, the local garbage service, trash will be picked up outside your home on a regular schedule, two days per week. You can find out from your neighbors when that schedule is. If you have not paid for garbage service, you need to go to the Prolimpia office in Plaza de Mar (the shopping center on Calle 27 between C.76 and 78 in Progreso) to establish service.
If you have yard waste, you must bag it and put it out. They will pick up 2 bags per service day. We ask everyone to PLEASE purchase a trash can with fitted lid to limit the exposure to the bags by the street dogs!
For the safety of their employees, Prolimpia requests: “Do not bag sharp items (glass, metal, among others); put them in a box and indicate their contents in a note. Don’t bag heavy items like rubble or other construction materials.”
If you have special items you need picked up, such as palm fronds or other items on the list below, send a picture of the items, with a detailed description of the location, on WhatsApp to 999-362-6077. A GPS location is always welcome! There is an additional cost for this special pickup.
SPECIAL PICKUP ITEMS: Construction materials, furniture, light bulbs, appliances, grass, Christmas trees, hoses, mattresses, toilets, rocks, tires, dirt, logs.
You can Download the Prolimpia Flyer with the pickup schedule, items list and phone numbers here! (338 kb file)
The Progreso municipality has established convenient locations to recycle your plastic, aluminum, cardboard and glass. Please save these items and take them to one of the locations. Help them keep the environment clean while contributing to the reuse of limited resources. You can drive your car to these locations to unload. Three of the four are staffed to help you unloading.
The locations are:
Chelem—Behind the Commasaria, between 20+21. M-F, 8-3, Saturday 8-12.
Progreso Cultural Center—Calle 80 x 25, across from the Market. 8-5, M-F
Chicxulub—Corner of Hwy 27 and Calle 19. M-F 10AM-5 PM.
Ecologia y Media Progreso—C 19 X 18 y 20 Colonia Nueva Yucalpeten, Open 24/7. Not monitored.
PHOTOS of the Recycling Centers
The municipality is working hard to improve conditions for everyone. That, of course, takes revenue! There is a major push to collect Federal Beach Tax, water (SMAPAP) fees, Prolimpia fees and state taxes. It is recommended you make every attempt to be up to date on all these fees to avoid penalties. (Remember that there are substantial discounts if you pay your PREDIAL–the property tax–early! INAPAM card holders also receive a discount.)

As of the middle of November, we have the lowest COVID-19 numbers of the year, and the federal government has designated Yucatan at “Green” status. To check the current COVID-19 status in Yucatan, visit the Yucatan state health department Facebook page. Use Google Chrome with translation turned on, and scroll until you see the Daily Coronavirus report.
Social Distancing is required with limitations by the size of the venue. Limit 8 People per table.
Masks are required to be worn in all public places at all times, except when eating or drinking.
As of mid-November 2021, visitors are not required to be tested for Covid-19 to enter Mexico. Both the US and Canada have separate requirements for reentering after visiting Mexico. Check with the official Websites of the US State Department or Government of Canada (or your country) to get their latest information.
If you are entering Mexico there are new regulations regarding the checking of your immigration status. If you are entering under the FMM tourist Visa, you must carry the bottom portion of this document and your passport with you at all times. (If you are temporary or Permanent resident, you must carry your resident card with you at all times. You do not need to carry your passport with you as long as you have your Mexican residency card.)
If you do not have these documents with you and are stopped by immigration, you can be jailed until you can produce the original documents. COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Another important change is that Immigration will no longer automatically give you a 180-day visa when you arrive. You will be asked how long you are staying, and will be given that number of days. Check this article for more details:
A new Facebook group and Website, Yucatan Back Roads, was created by Beach Area News editors Speranza Avram and Dave Bloch to highlight interesting places to explore in the Yucatan. The group lets you share stories of your explorations of the small villages, cenotes and haciendas along the rural back roads of our state. Join the group on Facebook or visit the yucatanbackroads.com Website for more information!
Once again, welcome back!
Your Beach Area News team: Bob Rentz, Speranza Avram, Karen Cloutier, Dave Bloch
Copyright © 2021 Beach Area News, All rights reserved.